Hummingbird Ridge Soy Wax Candles, Tarts, & Soaps

A blog that will answer all of your questions about all natural soy candles, tarts and soaps.


I'm a home school mom who works at home. I love to be with my kids and watch them learn and grow. I've learned that the best times in life are spent with family.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Just another day on the farm.

Here is a photo of some of the chamomile that we raise here at Hummingbird Ridge. I use it in my soaps and infuse oils with it. And it makes a pretty darn good tea.

Even though the weather has been hot and dry so far this summer we have had a fairly good harvest from the gardens. I've canned all the green beans for the year and the corn is nearly done. This year I made some corn relish for something a little different. The pickles are all finished and have lots of dill pickles and relish for the winter.

The number one experiment for this year was Dilled Green Beans - absolutely delis!
Just getting started on the tomatoes. We use lots of them!

I'm sure some of you may think it's much easier to go to the store and get the canned vegetables and such, but I assure you they don't taste as good as organic home grown does!


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